Gain strategic competence

What does strategy mean? How do we know that we are on our way to the highest mountain – and not to a hill on the way to the summit? moderning presents some issues of strategic thinking and action for discussion. moderning shows ways to make reliable judgments – and how to avoid lapsing into operational thinking when strategic solutions are required.

The way to the right goal

It is not easy to develop a causally consistent strategy from the vision. Therefore, one often agrees on rather vague projections for periods of three to five years. But “strategic” means more than just “long-term”. Recognize early on that you are on your way to the highest peak – and not to a hill in the middle of the mountains.

Do you play chess?

The word “strategy” is derived from the Greek word for “army commander” (strategos) and means “the art of commanding an army”. This art can also be found in chess, one of the oldest strategic games. Do you play it? Because on the board you will also find essential insights for your business decisions. The chess strategy shows us that we have to develop a plan in order to achieve the goal of the game – victory? With each position evaluation, you have to re-evaluate the relationship between current options for action, space and time in order to gradually improve the position of your pieces.   

How do we promote your strategic competence?

And another reference to the game of chess: moderning develops scenarios of possible futures with you and makes the scope of strategic alternatives visible.

What the gain of space in chess is, is the strategic competitive advantage thanks to superior innovative power. This is the result of a permanent endeavour to know the sensitivities of the customers and to offer effective solutions.